In the relaxing massage of Heraklion Massage Center, a gentle massage is performed with the aim of local or total relaxation. With this massage, our body calms down, while often this calmness is also transmitted to our emotional world.
A moderate intensity massage is performed on the superficial and deep tissues of the body, which is why it is the ideal massage for most people.
This type of massage is performed with an emphasis on the deep muscles, tendons, nerves and fascia. It provides a solution to many of the problems that arise deep within the body and not superficially near the skin.
The intensity of sports massage is high, with the aim of restoring the muscles, tendons and fascia that actively participate in exercises and sports.
It is aimed at people who have problems with the lymphatic system (mainly lymphedema). It is a massage that requires many specialization seminars as it has many difficulties and details.
It is performed by two therapists and helps couples relax and at the same time become emotionally closer to each other. When we receive a massage together with our partner, we relax together and it is a proven and enjoyable way to become closer emotionally.
The massage in these places emphasizes specific areas of the body. We can also focus on the neck, back, buttocks, waist or elsewhere depending on the area that is experiencing the greatest problems.
In these, the therapist finds trigger points or uses hot stones to resolve muscle spasms and provide the best results.
The use of pressotherapy is indicated for reducing edema. Cupping causes local hyperemia which is useful in certain cases.